Call Flows From Apex In Salesforce

by Zuber Rangreaz

Hello friends, today we are going to discuss Call Flows From Apex In Salesforce. Excited to share how you can seamlessly integrate Flows with Apex in Salesforce! 💻 In my latest post, I walk through the steps and provide an example code for calling Flows from Apex. Check it out and level up your Salesforce development skills!

#Salesforce #Flows #Apex #DevelopmentTips”

Also, check this: Display map In flow and LWC

Key Highlights :

  1. Why Call Flows from Apex: Explain the use cases and scenarios where calling Flows from Apex is necessary. Discuss the advantages of this integration approach.
  2. Steps to Call Flows from Apex: Break down the process into steps. Provide code snippets and explanations for each step. Use clear and concise language, making it easy for readers to follow.
  3. all to Action: Invite readers to share their thoughts or experiences in the comments Encourage them to try out the integration and share their feedback
  4. Visuals: If possible, include screenshots, diagrams, or videos to make the post more engaging. Visuals can help readers better understand the integration process.

Code :


public class FlowController {
    public void callFlow() {
        // Set up Account record as an example
        Account l = new Account(Name = 'Zuberr Rangreazz');
        insert l;
        // Prepare the Flow variables
        Map<String, Object> params = new Map<String, Object>();
        params.put('newAccount', l);
        system.debug('newAccount'+ params);
        // Instantiate and start the Flow
        Flow.Interview.Call_Flows_From_Apex  yourFlow = new Flow.Interview.Call_Flows_From_Apex(params);

Call Flows From Apex : We will create an auto launch flow. Here we create the flow in which we get the contact records of a particular account and update these.

Call Flows From Apex In Salesforce

Output :

Reference :

  1. Launch a Flow from Apex

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