Hello friends, today we are going to discuss Datatable using GraphQL in LWC. Start with a brief overview of the challenges associated with displaying tabular data in Salesforce Lightning Web Components. Introduce GraphQL as a powerful query language and explain how it can streamline data retrieval and improve the performance of web components.
Also, check this: Delete Records in Flow Salesforce
Key Highlights :
- Efficient Data Retrieval with GraphQL
- Highlight the performance gains achieved by using GraphQL
- Without using APEC Fetch data.
- Show data in Tabular form.
Code :
<template> <lightning-card title="Datatable using GraphQL in LWC"> <template lwc:if={contacts}> <lightning-datatable key-field="Id" data={contacts} columns={columns} hide-checkbox-column="true" show-row-number-column="true" onrowaction={callRowAction}> </lightning-datatable> </template> </lightning-card> </template>
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc'; import { gql, graphql } from 'lightning/uiGraphQLApi'; import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation'; import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent'; const columns = [ { label: 'Last Name', fieldName: 'LastName' }, { label: 'Email', fieldName: 'Email' }, { label: 'Phone', fieldName: 'Phone', type: 'Phone' }, { type: "button", label: 'View', initialWidth: 100, typeAttributes: { label: 'View', name: 'View', title: 'View', disabled: false, value: 'view', iconPosition: 'left', iconName: 'utility:preview', variant: 'Neutral' } }, { type: "button", label: 'Edit', initialWidth: 100, typeAttributes: { label: 'Edit', name: 'Edit', title: 'Edit', disabled: false, value: 'edit', iconPosition: 'left', iconName: 'utility:edit', variant: 'Neutral' } }, ]; export default class DatatableusingGraphQLLWC extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) { contacts; columns = columns; errors = undefined; @wire(graphql, { query: gql`query ContactDetail { uiapi { query { Contact( first: 10 orderBy: { LastModifiedDate: { order: DESC } } ) { edges { node { Id LastName { value } Email { value } Phone { value } } } } } } } ` }) function({ data, errors }) { if (data) { var conts = []; //retrieve result in variable var con = data.uiapi.query.Contact.edges.map((edge) => edge.node); console.error(JSON.stringify(con)); var len = con.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { conts.push({ Id: con[i].Id, LastName: con[i].LastName.value, Email: con[i].Email.value, Phone: con[i].Phone.value, }); } this.contacts = conts; } if (errors) { this.errors = errors; this.contacts = undefined; } } callRowAction(event) { const recId = event.detail.row.Id; const actionName = event.detail.action.name; if (actionName === 'Edit') { this.handleAction(recId, 'edit'); } else if (actionName === 'View') { this.handleAction(recId, 'view'); } } handleAction(recordId, mode) { this[NavigationMixin.Navigate]({ type: 'standard__recordPage', attributes: { recordId: recordId, objectApiName: 'Contact', actionName: mode } }) } showToast(title, message, variant, mode) { const evt = new ShowToastEvent({ title: title, message: message, variant: variant, mode: mode }); this.dispatchEvent(evt); } }
<?xml version="1.0"?> <LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"> <apiVersion>57.0</apiVersion> <isExposed>true</isExposed> <targets> <target>lightning__HomePage</target> <target>lightning__Tab</target> </targets> </LightningComponentBundle>
Output :
Reference :
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