Hello friends, today we will discuss Salesforce Development Code Commenting Best Practice. Creating comments in computer programs is detailing what the code is doing in a Human Readable Description. Code maintenance can be made easier and bugs can be found more quickly if comments are used correctly.
Also, check this: Lifecycle Hooks in LWC
Key Highlights :
- Commenting is the “ART” of describing what your program will do at a “high level”.
- Comments are specially marked lines of text in the program that are not evaluated.
- Keep track of what needs to be done.
- Description and clarity of what certain blocks of code do by adding context.
- It makes it easier for other developers when They will try to change the same code.
- You can install JavaDoc or ApexDoc in VS Code for Established Standards.
Process :
1. Apex Class Code Commenting: All Apex Classes header should begin with a brief comment describing the functional
/** * @description : This class used for. * @coverage : Test.cls | @CC100% * @author : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * @group : Techdicer * @last modified on : 05-27-2023 * @last modified by : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * Modifications Log * Ver Date Author Modification * 1.0 05-27-2023 techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Initial Version | Story Number | @CC100% **/ public with sharing class AccountHandler{ }
2. Apex Class Method Code Commenting: All methods should have descriptions, parameters, and return type.
/** * @description updates the Primary Contact field with the accoun * @author techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com | 05-27-2023 | Story Number * @param jsonAccountList * @param accountIds * @return List<Account> returns the provided list of accounts **/ public static List<Account> fetchDuplicateMatchList(String jsonAccountList, Set<Id> accountIds) { return new List<Account>(); }
3. Apex Trigger Code Commenting: All Apex Trigger headers should begin with a brief comment describing the functional
/** * @description : This Trigger used for. * Name : AccountTrigger * @coverage : AccountTriggerTest.cls | @CC100% * @author : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * @group : Techdicer * @last modified on : 05-27-2023 * @last modified by : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * Modifications Log * Ver Date Author Modification * 1.0 05-27-2023 techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Initial Version | Story Number | @CC100% **/ trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update, after insert, after update, before delete, after delete) { }
<!-- @description : @author : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com @group : Techdicer @last modified on : 05-27-2023 @last modified by : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Modifications Log Ver Date Author Modification 1.0 05-27-2023 techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Initial Version | Story Number --> <template> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <ul> <template for:each={data} for:item="obj"> <li key={obj.key}> <template if:true={isReportVisible}> <a onclick={obj.key} href={obj.key} target="_blank">View additional information for CIC</a> </template> </li> </template> </ul> </div> </template>
4. LWC JS:
/** * @description : * @author : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * @group : * @last modified on : 05-27-2023 * @last modified by : techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com * Modifications Log * Ver Date Author Modification * 1.0 05-27-2023 techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Initial Version * 1.1 05-27-2023 techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com Add Navigation in for navigate to other page **/ import { LightningElement, wire, api, track } from "lwc"; import { NavigationMixin } from "lightning/navigation"; export default class LWC1 extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) { /** * @description handleNavigateComponent method to naviagte the * @author techdicerkeeplearning@gmail.com | 05-27-2023 | Story Number * @param accountId the Account recordId * @param status the Account record's status * @summary use navigationMixin for navigate to account record */ handleNavigateComponent(accountId, status){ if(accountId != undefined){ this[NavigationMixin.Navigate]({ type: 'standard__recordPage', attributes: { recordId: accountId, objectApiName: 'Account', actionName: 'view' }, }); } } }