Boost Your Salesforce Query Performance with @ReadOnly for Large Data

by Mohmmad Juber
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Hello friends, today we are going to discuss Boost Your Salesforce Query Performance with @ReadOnly for Large Data. Understanding the @ReadOnly Annotation in Apex. Salesforce’s Apex programming language offers various annotations to enhance the functionality and performance of your code. One such powerful annotation is @ReadOnly.

What is the @ReadOnly Annotation?

The @ReadOnly annotation allows you to perform less restrictive queries against the Salesforce database by increasing the limit of the number of returned rows for a request to 1,000,000. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets that exceed the standard SOQL query limit of 50,000 rows.

Key Features and Restrictions

While the @ReadOnly annotation relaxes the query row limit, it comes with certain restrictions to ensure system stability and performance:

  • No DML Operations: You cannot perform any Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations such as insert, update, delete, or undelete within a @ReadOnly.
  • No Asynchronous Jobs: Calls to System. schedule and enqueued asynchronous Apex jobs are blocked
  • Limited to Specific Contexts: The annotation is available for REST and SOAP Web services and the Schedulable interface.
  • Increased Query Limit: Allows querying up to 1,000,000 rows, bypassing the standard SOQL limit of 50,000 rows.
  • No DML Operations: Prevents any insert, update, delete, or undelete operations within the annotated method.
  • No Asynchronous Jobs: Blocks calls to the System. schedule and enqueued asynchronous Apex jobs.
  • Specific Contexts: Available for REST and SOAP Web services and the Schedulable interface.

When to Use @ReadOnly

The @ReadOnly annotation is ideal for scenarios where you need to query large volumes of data without modifying it.

  1. Reporting and Analytics: When generating reports that require querying large datasets.
  2. Data Export: When exporting data for external processing or backup.
  3. Read-Only Dashboards: Dashboards that display large amounts of data without the need for user interaction or data modification.

Also, check this: Override Standard Buttons Using Aura

Code :

public with sharing class LargeDataQueryController {
    public static List<Account> getAccounts() {
        // This query will be read-only and optimized for performance
        return [SELECT Id, Name, Industry FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate >= LAST_YEAR];

Reference :

  1. ReadOnly

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